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The screenplay was a joint effort of nicolas gueilburt, ricardo ragendorfer, dodi shoeuer, pablo trapero, and actor daniel. Volkswagen amarok comando policia bonaerense 2016 argentina 2. The next day, zapa is imprisoned for being responsible of robbing the place. That is the case of the buenos aires government and the front of unit teaching. Protagonizada por jorge roman, mimi ardu, dario levy o victor hugo carrizo entre otros. It takes its name from the city of buenos aires, the capital of the country, which used to be part of the province and the provinces capital until it was federalized. They break into a drug store and zapa cracks the safe. Al dia siguiente cae preso como responsable del robo al lugar.

A young locksmith is forced to leave his home and family to join the buenos aires police force. The work is quite slow, and hours seem to pass slowly. When his boss asks him to do a special job for some special clients, zapa agrees he has no choice. Mimi ardu born 28 february 1956, rio cuarto, cordoba is an argentinian actress and former vedette. 1 el guion fue coescrito con el periodista de policiales ricardo ragendorfer. It features jorge roman, mimi ardu, among others the movie deals with the corruption of the bonaerense police.

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